Full-stack Web Developer

Hello, I'm Full-stack Web Developer, with passion and love for changing the way web interacts and I definitely do what I Love.

Hello, I'm Mayank

I'm Full-stack Web Developer, Web Designer with great passion and love for developing the change the way Web Interacts and have personally worked on many projects and personal projects too for Learning and fun,I simply enjoy it.

Web Designer

I love to design simple and clean UI patterns with some innovative ideas.

Full-Stack Web Developer

Enjoy Developing Backend Applications with creative Front-end designs Patterns

Coding & Testing

Enjoy Debugging, Testing and getting My Hands Dirty With Coding because It's a Game for me which is Never Ending

My recent Work

Here Is my Recent Projects, want to see More?? See Github Profile

MathOnGo Open Test Platform

Material Bootstrap v4, Javascript

Express, Node JS, MongoDB, AWS, EJS

MathOnGo Open Practice Test Platform for Bitsat Entrance Examination

Material Bootstrap v4, Javascript

Express, Node JS, MongoDB, AWS, EJS

MathOnGo Open Practice Test Platform for Jee-Advanced Entrance Examination

Material Bootstrap v4, Javascript

Express, Node JS, MongoDB, AWS, EJS

Scholarship Platform

Material Bootstrap v4, Javascript

Express, Node JS, MongoDB, Heroku, EJS

E-commerce Front-end

CSS3, HTML, Bootstrap


Responsive Css Gallery

HTML, Css Grid

JS 2048 Puzzle Game

HTMl Canvas, CSS

Pure Javascript, p5.js library

New Project Droping Coming(Related to fitness)

Yet to be declared

Yet to be declared

Contact Me

Want Some help or want to collaborate with me or just want to say "hi", simply compose me an email mayankgupta2424@gmail.com or connect through Social media

Feel Free to Connect me any time through Social Media.

Developed By me @ devme | +918149403539